[ABAP] 740이상에서 지원하는 새로운 문법
1. Inline Declarations
Description | Before 7.40 | With 7.40 |
Datastatement | DATA text TYPE string. | DATA(text) = `ABC`. |
Loop at into work area | DATA wa like LINE OF itab. | LOOP AT itab INTO DATA(wa). |
Call method | DATA a1 TYPE … DATA a2 TYPE … oref->meth( IMPORTING p1 = a1 IMPORTING p2 = a2 ). | oref->meth( IMPORTING p1 = DATA(a1) IMPORTING p2 = DATA(a2) ). |
Loop at assigning | FIELD-SYMBOLS: <line> type … LOOP AT itab ASSIGNING <line>. … ENDLOOP. | LOOP AT itab ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<line>). |
Read assigning | FIELD-SYMBOLS: <line> type … READ TABLE itab ASSIGNING <line>. | READ TABLE itab ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<line>). |
Select into table | DATA itab TYPE TABLE OF dbtab. SELECT * FROM dbtab INTO TABLE itab WHERE fld1 = lv_fld1. | SELECT * FROM dbtab INTO TABLE DATA(itab) WHERE fld1 = @lv_fld1. |
Select single into | SELECT SINGLE f1 f2 FROM dbtab INTO (lv_f1, lv_f2) WHERE … WRITE: / lv_f1, lv_f2. | SELECT SINGLE f1 AS my_f1, F2 AS abc FROM dbtab INTO DATA(ls_structure) WHERE … WRITE: / ls_structure-my_f1, ls_structure-abc. |
2. Table Expressions
If a table line is not found, the exception CX_SY_ITAB_LINE_NOT_FOUND is raised. No sy-subrc.
Description | Before 7.40 | With 7.40 |
Read Table index | READ TABLE itab INDEX idx INTO wa. | wa = itab[ idx ]. |
Read Table using key | READ TABLE itab INDEX idx USING KEY key INTO wa. | wa = itab[ KEY key INDEX idx ]. |
Read Table with key | READ TABLE itab WITH KEY col1 = … col2 = … INTO wa. | wa = itab[ col1 = … col2 = … ]. |
Read Table with key components | READ TABLE itab WITH TABLE KEY key COMPONENTS col1 = … col2 = … INTO wa. | wa = itab[ KEY key col1 = … col2 = … ]. |
Does record exist? | READ TABLE itab … TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. … ENDIF. | IF line_exists( itab[ … ] ). … ENDIF. |
Get table index | DATA idx type sy-tabix. READ TABLE … TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. idx = sy-tabix. | DATA(idx) = line_index( itab[ … ] ). |
NB: There will be a short dump if you use an inline expression that references a non-existent record.
SAP says you should therefore assign a field symbol and check sy-subrc.
ASSIGN lt_tab[ 1 ] to FIELD–SYMBOL(<ls_tab>).
IF sy–subrc = 0.
3. Conversion Operator CONV
I. Definition
CONV dtype|#( … )
dtype = Type you want to convert to (explicit)
# = compiler must use the context to decide the type to convert to (implicit)
II. Example
Method cl_abap_codepage=>convert_to expects a string
Before 7.40 |
DATA text TYPE c LENGTH 255. DATA helper TYPE string. DATA xstr TYPE xstring. helper = text. xstr = cl_abap_codepage=>convert_to( source = helper ). |
With 7.40 |
DATA text TYPE c LENGTH 255. DATA(xstr) = cl_abap_codepage=>convert_to( source = CONV string( text ) ). OR DATA(xstr) = cl_abap_codepage=>convert_to( source = CONV #( text ) ). |
4. Value Operator VALUE
I. Definition
Variables: VALUE dtype|#( )
Structures: VALUE dtype|#( comp1 = a1 comp2 = a2 … )
Tables: VALUE dtype|#( ( … ) ( … ) … ) …
II. Example for structures
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_columns1, “Simple structure
cols1 TYPE i,
cols2 TYPE i,
END OF ty_columns1.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_columnns2, “Nested structure
coln1 TYPE i,
coln2 TYPE ty_columns1,
END OF ty_columns2.
DATA: struc_simple TYPE ty_columns1,
struc_nest TYPE ty_columns2.
struct_nest = VALUE t_struct(coln1 = 1
coln2-cols1 = 1
coln2-cols2 = 2 ).
struct_nest = VALUE t_struct(coln1 = 1
coln2 = VALUE #( cols1 = 1
cols2 = 2 ) ).
III. Examples for internal tables
Elementary line type:
DATA itab TYPE t_itab.
itab = VALUE #( ( ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ).
Structured line type (RANGES table):
itab = VALUE #( sign = ‘I’ option = ‘BT’ ( low = 1 high = 10 )
( low = 21 high = 30 )
( low = 41 high = 50 )
option = ‘GE’ ( low = 61 ) ).
5. FOR operator
I. Definition
FOR wa|<fs> IN itab [INDEX INTO idx] [cond]
II. Explanation
This effectively causes a loop at itab. For each loop the row read is assigned to a work area (wa) or field-symbol(<fs>).
This wa or <fs> is local to the expression i.e. if declared in a subrourine the variable wa or <fs> is a local variable of
that subroutine. Index like SY-TABIX in loop.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_ship,
tknum TYPE tknum, “Shipment Number
name TYPE ernam, “Name of Person who Created the Object
city TYPE ort01, “Starting city
route TYPE route, “Shipment route
END OF ty_ship.
GT_SHIPS type ty_ships. -> has been populated as follows:
Row | TKNUM[C(10)] | Name[C(12)] | City[C(25)] | Route[C(6)] |
1 | 001 | John | Melbourne | R0001 |
2 | 002 | Gavin | Sydney | R0003 |
3 | 003 | Lucy | Adelaide | R0001 |
4 | 004 | Elaine | Perth | R0003 |
III. Example 1
Populate internal table GT_CITYS with the cities from GT_SHIPS.
Before 7.40 |
DATA: gt_citys TYPE ty_citys, gs_ship TYPE ty_ship, gs_city TYPE ort01. LOOP AT gt_ships INTO gs_ship. gs_city = gs_ship–city. APPEND gs_city TO gt_citys. ENDLOOP. |
With 7.40 |
DATA(gt_citys) = VALUE ty_citys( FOR ls_ship IN gt_ships ( ls_ship–city ) ). |
IV. Example 2
Populate internal table GT_CITYS with the cities from GT_SHIPS where the route is R0001.
Before 7.40 |
DATA: gt_citys TYPE ty_citys, gs_ship TYPE ty_ship, gs_city TYPE ort01. LOOP AT gt_ships INTO gs_ship WHERE route = ‘R0001’. gs_city = gs_ship–city. APPEND gs_city TO gt_citys. ENDLOOP. |
With 7.40 |
DATA(gt_citys) = VALUE ty_citys( FOR ls_ship IN gt_ships WHERE ( route = ‘R0001’ ) ( ls_ship–city ) ). |
Note: ls_ship does not appear to have been declared but it is declared implicitly.
FOR i = … [THEN expr] UNTIL|WHILE log_exp
Populate an internal table as follows:
BEGIN OF ty_line,
col1 TYPE i,
col2 TYPE i,
col3 TYPE i,
END OF ty_line,
Before 7.40 |
DATA: gt_itab TYPE ty_tab, j TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_tab> TYPE ty_line. j = 1. DO. j = j + 10. IF j > 40. EXIT. ENDIF. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO gt_itab ASSIGNING <ls_tab>. <ls_tab>–col1 = j. <ls_tab>–col2 = j + 1. <ls_tab>–col3 = j + 2. ENDDO. |
With 7.40 |
DATA(gt_itab) = VALUE ty_tab( FOR j = 11 THEN j + 10 UNTIL j > 40 ( col1 = j col2 = j + 1 col3 = j + 2 ) ). |
6. Reduction operator REDUCE
I. Definition
… REDUCE type(
INIT result = start_value
FOR for_exp1
FOR for_exp2
result = iterated_value
… )
II. Note
While VALUE and NEW expressions can include FOR expressions, REDUCE must include at least one FOR expression. You can use all kinds of FOR expressions in REDUCE:
- with IN for iterating internal tables
- with UNTIL or WHILE for conditional iterations
III. Example 1
Count lines of table that meet a condition (field F1 contains “XYZ”).
Before 7.40 |
DATA: lv_lines TYPE i. LOOP AT gt_itab INTO ls_itab where F1 = ‘XYZ’. |
With 7.40 |
DATA(lv_lines) = REDUCE i( INIT x = 0 FOR wa IN gt_itab WHERE( F1 = ‘XYZ’ ) NEXT x = x + 1 ). |
IV. Example 2
Sum the values 1 to 10 stored in the column of a table defined as follows
gt_itab = VALUE #( FOR j = 1 WHILE j <= 10 ( j ) ).
Before 7.40 |
DATA: lv_line TYPE i, LOOP AT gt_itab INTO lv_line. |
With 7.40 |
DATA(lv_sum) = REDUCE i( INIT x = 0 FOR wa IN itab NEXT x = x + wa ). |
V. Example 3
Using a class reference – works because “write” method returns reference to instance object
With 7.40 |
TYPES outref TYPE REF TO if_demo_output. DATA(output) = REDUCE outref( INIT out = cl_demo_output=>new( ) text = `Count up:` FOR n = 1 UNTIL n > 11 NEXT out = out->write( text ) text = |{ n }| ). output->display( ). |
7. Conditional operators COND and SWITCH
I. Definition
… COND dtype|#( WHEN log_exp1 THEN result1
[ WHEN log_exp2 THEN result2 ]
[ ELSE resultn ] ) …
… SWITCH dtype|#( operand
WHEN const1 THEN result1
[ WHEN const2 THEN result2 ]
[ ELSE resultn ] ) …
II. Example for COND
DATA(time) =
COND string(
WHEN sy-timlo < ‘120000’ THEN
|{ sy-timlo TIME = ISO } AM|
WHEN sy-timlo > ‘120000’ THEN
|{ CONV t( sy-timlo – 12 * 3600 )
WHEN sy-timlo = ‘120000’ THEN
|High Noon|
THROW cx_cant_be( ) ).
III. Example for SWITCH
DATA(text) =
NEW class( )->meth(
SWITCH #( sy-langu
ELSE THROW cx_langu_not_supported( ) ) ).
8. Corresponding Operator
I. Definition
… CORRESPONDING type( [BASE ( base )] struct|itab [mapping|except] )
II. Example Code
With 7.40 |
TYPES: BEGIN OF line1, col1 TYPE i, col2 TYPE i, END OF line1. ,70 ‘Result is ls_line2 = ‘ ,ls_line2–col1, ls_line2–col2, ls_line2–col3. , 70 ‘Result is ls_line2 = ‘, ls_line2–col1 , ls_line2–col2, ls_line2–col3. , 70 ‘Result is ls_line3 = ‘ , ls_line3–col1 , ls_line3–col2, ls_line3–col3. |
III. Output
IV. Explanation
Given structures ls_line1 & ls_line2 defined and populated as above.
Before 7.40 | With 7.40 | |
1 | CLEAR ls_line2. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_line1 TO ls_line2. | ls_line2 = CORRESPONDING #( ls_line1 ). |
2 | MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_line1 TO ls_line2. | ls_line2 = CORRESPONDING # ( BASE ( ls_line2 ) ls_line1 ). |
3 | DATA: ls_line3 like ls_line2. ls_line3 = ls_line2. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_line1 TO ls_line2. | DATA(ls_line3) = CORRESPONDING line2 ( BASE ( ls_line2 ) ls_line1 ). |
- The contents of ls_line1 are moved to ls_line2 where there is a matching column name. Where there is no
match the column of ls_line2 is initialised.
2. This uses the existing contents of ls_line2 as a base and overwrites the matching columns from ls_line1.
This is exactly like MOVE-CORRESPONDING.
3. This creates a third and new structure (ls_line3) which is based on ls_line2 but overwritten by matching
columns of ls_line1.
V. Additions MAPPING and EXCEPT
MAPPING allows you to map fields with non-identically named components to qualify for the data transfer.
… MAPPING t1 = s1 t2 = s2
EXCEPT allows you to list fields that must be excluded from the data transfer
… EXCEPT {t1 t2 …}
9. Strings
I. String Templates
A string template is enclosed by two characters “|” and creates a character string.
Literal text consists of all characters that are not in braces {}. The braces can contain:
- data objects,
- calculation expressions,
- constructor expressions,
- table expressions,
- predefined functions, or
- functional methods and method chainings
Before 7.40 |
DATA itab TYPE TABLE OF scarr. SELECT * FROM scarr INTO TABLE itab. DATA wa LIKE LINE OF itab. READ TABLE itab WITH KEY carrid = ‘LH’ INTO wa. DATA output TYPE string. CONCATENATE ‘Carrier:’ wa-carrname INTO output SEPARATED BY space. cl_demo_output=>display( output ). |
With 7.40 |
SELECT * FROM scarr INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_scarr). cl_demo_output=>display( |Carrier: { lt_scarr[ carrid = ‘LH’ ]–carrname }| ). |
II. Concatenation
Before 7.40 |
DATA lv_output TYPE string. CONCATENATE ‘Hello’ ‘world’ INTO lv_output SEPARATED BY space. |
With 7.40 |
DATA(lv_out) = |Hello| & | | & |world|. |
III. Width/Alignment/Padding
WRITE / |{ ‘Left’ WIDTH = 20 ALIGN = LEFT PAD = ‘0’ }|.
WRITE / |{ ‘Centre’ WIDTH = 20 ALIGN = CENTER PAD = ‘0’ }|.
WRITE / |{ ‘Right’ WIDTH = 20 ALIGN = RIGHT PAD = ‘0’ }|.
IV. Case
WRITE / |{ ‘Text’ CASE = (cl_abap_format=>c_raw) }|.
WRITE / |{ ‘Text’ CASE = (cl_abap_format=>c_upper) }|.
WRITE / |{ ‘Text’ CASE = (cl_abap_format=>c_lower) }|.
V. ALPHA conversion
DATA(lv_vbeln) = ‘0000012345’.
WRITE / |{ lv_vbeln ALPHA = OUT }|. “or use ALPHA = IN to go in other direction
VI. Date conversion
WRITE / |{ pa_date DATE = ISO }|. “Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
WRITE / |{ pa_date DATE = User }|. “As per user settings
WRITE / |{ pa_date DATE = Environment }|. “Formatting setting of language environment
10. Loop at Group By
I. Definition
LOOP AT itab result [cond] GROUP BY key ( key1 = dobj1 key2 = dobj2 …
[gs = GROUP SIZE] [gi = GROUP INDEX] )
[{INTO group}|{ASSIGNING <group>}]
[LOOP AT GROUP group|<group>
II. Explanation
The outer loop will do one iteration per key. So if 3 records match the key there will only be one iteration for these 3 records. The structure “group” (or
“<group>” ) is unusual in that it can be looped over using the “LOOP AT GROUP” statement. This will loop over the 3 records (members) of the group. The
structure “group” also contains the current key as well as the size of the group and index of the group ( if GROUP SIZE and GROUP INDEX have been
assigned a field name). This is best understood by an example.
III. Example
With 7.40 |
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_employee, name TYPE char30, role TYPE char30, age TYPE i, END OF ty_employee, ty_employee_t TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_employee WITH KEY name. DATA(gt_employee) = VALUE ty_employee_t( ( name = ‘John‘ role = ‘ABAP guru‘ age = 34 ) ( name = ‘Alice‘ role = ‘FI Consultant‘ age = 42 ) ( name = ‘Barry‘ role = ‘ABAP guru‘ age = 54 ) ( name = ‘Mary‘ role = ‘FI Consultant‘ age = 37 ) ( name = ‘Arthur‘ role = ‘ABAP guru‘ age = 34 ) ( name = ‘Mandy‘ role = ‘SD Consultant‘ age = 64 ) ). DATA: gv_tot_age TYPE i, gv_avg_age TYPE decfloat34. “Loop with grouping on Role LOOP AT gt_employee INTO DATA(ls_employee) GROUP BY ( role = ls_employee-role size = GROUP SIZE index = GROUP INDEX ) ASCENDING ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<group>). CLEAR: gv_tot_age. “Output info at group level WRITE: / |Group: { <group>-index } Role: { <group>-role WIDTH = 15 }| & | Number in this role: { <group>-size }|. “Loop at members of the group LOOP AT GROUP <group> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_member>). gv_tot_age = gv_tot_age + <ls_member>-age. WRITE: /13 <ls_member>-name. ENDLOOP. “Average age gv_avg_age = gv_tot_age / <group>-size. WRITE: / |Average age: { gv_avg_age }|. SKIP. ENDLOOP. |
IV. Output
Group: 1 Role: ABAP guru Number in this role: 3
Average age: 40.66666666666666666666666666666667
Group: 2 Role: FI Consultant Number in this role: 2
Average age: 39.5
Group: 3 Role: SD Consultant Number in this role: 1
Average age: 64
11. Classes/Methods
I. Referencing fields within returned structures
Before 7.40 |
DATA: ls_lfa1 TYPE lfa1, lv_name1 TYPE lfa1–name1. ls_lfa1 = My_Class=>get_lfa1( ). lv_name1 = ls_lfa1–name1. |
With 7.40 |
DATA(lv_name1) = My_Class=>get_lfa1( )–name1. |
II. Methods that return a type BOOLEAN
Before 7.40 |
IF My_Class=>return_boolean( ) = abap_true. … ENDIF. |
With 7.40 |
IF My_Class=>return_boolean( ). … ENDIF. |
NB: The type “BOOLEAN” is not a true Boolean but a char1 with allowed values X,- and <blank>.
Using type “FLAG” or “WDY_BOOLEAN” works just as well.
III. NEW operator
This operator can be used to instantiate an object.
Before 7.40 |
DATA: lo_delivs TYPE REF TO zcl_sd_delivs, lo_deliv TYPE REF TO zcl_sd_deliv. lo_deliv = lo_delivs->get_deliv( lv_vbeln ). |
With 7.40 |
DATA(lo_deliv) = new zcl_sd_delivs( )->get_deliv( lv_vbeln ). |
12. Meshes
Allows an association to be set up between related data groups.
I. Problem
Given the following 2 internal tables:
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_manager,
name TYPE char10,
salary TYPE int4,
END OF t_manager,
tt_manager TYPE SORTED TABLE OF t_manager WITH UNIQUE KEY name.
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_developer,
name TYPE char10,
salary TYPE int4,
manager TYPE char10, “Name of manager
END OF t_developer,
tt_developer TYPE SORTED TABLE OF t_developer WITH UNIQUE KEY name.
Populated as follows:
Row | Name[C(10)] | Salary[I(4)] |
1 | Jason | 3000 |
2 | Thomas | 3200 |
Row |
| Salary[I(4) | Manager[C(10)] | |
1 | Bob | 2100 | Jason | |
2 | David | 2000 | Thomas | |
3 | Jack | 1000 | Thomas | |
4 | Jerry | 1000 | Jason | |
5 | John | 2100 | Thomas | |
6 | Tom | 2000 | Jason |
Get the details of Jerry’s manager and all developers managed by Thomas.
II. Solution
With 7.40 |
TYPES: BEGIN OF MESH m_team, ON manager = name, ON name = manager, “get line of dev table ASSIGN lt_developer[ name = ‘Jerry’ ] TO FIELD–SYMBOL(<ls_jerry>). |Salary: { ls_jmanager-salary }|.
“line of manager table ASSIGN lt_manager[ name = ‘Thomas’ ] TO FIELD–SYMBOL(<ls_thomas>). ASSIGNING FIELD–SYMBOL(<ls_emp>). WRITE: / |Employee name: { <ls_emp>–name }|. |
III. Output
Jerry’s manager: Jason Salary: 3000
Thomas’ developers:
Employee name: David
Employee name: Jack
Employee name: John
13. Filter
Filter the records in a table based on records in another table.
I. Definition
… FILTER type( itab [EXCEPT] [IN ftab] [USING KEY keyname]
WHERE c1 op f1 [AND c2 op f2 […]] )
II. Problem
Filter an internal table of Flight Schedules (SPFLI) to only those flights based on a filter table that contains the fields Cityfrom and CityTo.
III. Solution
With 7.40 |
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_filter, WITH UNIQUE KEY cityfrom cityto. ( cityfrom = ‘NEW YORK’ cityto = ‘SAN FRANCISCO’ ) WHERE cityfrom = cityfrom AND cityto = cityto ). “Output filtered records <ls_rec>–cityto,45 <ls_rec>–deptime. ENDLOOP. |
Note: using the keyword “EXCEPT” (see definition above) would have returned the exact opposite records i.e all records EXCEPT for those those returned above.
출처 : https://blogs.sap.com/2015/10/25/abap-740-quick-reference/