일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
- 우중캠핑
- 오크돔
- 장박
- 영월 장박
- reduce
- 블로우쉘터
- view cluster
- m/v 호출
- 키즈 캠핑장
- Hana
- 캠핑 장박
- 가족캠핑
- 클러스터 뷰 이벤트
- 원주 캠핑장
- include name
- 해루질
- view 조건
- 일몰맛집
- New Syntax
- 남강캠프
- alv with ida
- 키즈캠핑장
- 포천 레이크문
- WD4A
- fuzzy search
- 값 제한
- Today
- Total
[Table] Useful SAP Table List 본문
1 Authorisation objects
TOBC Class assignment of authorisation objects
TOBCT Texts for Authorisation Object Classes
TOBF Business process < > Authorisation objects
TOBFA Applications (connected with business processes)
TOBFC Business processes in object classes (applications)
TOBFT Texts for Business Processes (Functions)
TOBJ Objects
TOBJC Class assignment of authorisation objects
TOBJT Texts for the objects (for TOBJ)
TSTC_SM Control table SU22: Auth.obj.maint. for transactions
2. Batch input map's
APQI Batch Input Maps, Queue info definition
3. Batch jobs
TBTCI Usage counter for the job's internal report
TBTCO Job status overview table
TBTCP Batch job step overview
TBTCS Batch-schedule-table
TBTCSTEP Description of step values (BI-API)
SNAP ABAP/4 snapshot for run-time errors
4. Correction & transport
E070 R/3 command
E070C Source and Target Client for Request E070
E070CREATE Creation date of request
E070L Number Range for Transport and Correction System
E070N UNIX/SAP user connection
E070P Path under which a C correction is created
E070USE Use of Current Requests by Users
E071 Objects of a request or task (E070)
E071K Key objects (tables, views,...) of a correction
E07T R/3 command file text
5. Countries
T005 Countries
T005A Address routines
T005B Name of address routines
T005E County
T005F County: Texts
T005G City
T005H City: Texts
T005I Communication: Country dialling code exceptions (Telex)
T005J Communication: country dialling code exceptions (Telephone)
T005K Communication: country dialling code
T005N Name formats
T005O Name format fields
T005P Validation of tax keys
T005Q Country keys for withholding tax calculation
T005R Country keys for the withholding tax: Names
T005S Taxes: Region (Province) Key
T005T Country names
T005U Taxes: Region Key: Texts
T005X Countries - decimal point and date format (SET COUNTRY)
6. Currency
TCURC Currency codes
7. Data elements
DD04L Data elements
DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts
TDDIR Active field exits for data elements
8. Development classes
TDEVC Transport System Development Classes
9. Domains
DD01L Domains
DD01T R/3 DD: domain texts
DD07L R/3 DD: values for the domains
DD07T DD: Texts for domain fixed values (language-dependent)
10. Dynpro areas
11. Filenames
FILENAME Table for converting internal (logical) file names into external names
PATH Definition of physical file paths for each syntax
PATHTEXT Logical file path names
PARAMVALUE Run-time variables for platform-independent file names
12. Function modules
TFDIR Function modules
TFTIT Function module short text
13. Function groups
TLIBG Person responsible for function class
TADIR Catalog of R/3 Repository objects
TLIBT Function Group Short Texts
14. Icons
ICON Icons table
ICONT Icon Texts
15. Logical databases
TLDB ABAP/4: Directory and structure of logical data bases
16. Matchcodes
MACOB Runtime-object "Matchcode-object"
MACID Runtime-object "Matchcode-ID"
DD24S Fields of a matchcode ID
17. Messages
NAST Message status
TNAPR Processing programs for output
T100 Messages
T100A Message-Id's of T100
18. Programs
TRDIRE Program attributes (from PROGRAM statement)
VRSD Version administration: Directory table
TRCL ABAP/4 program classes
TDCT Dialog Modules
19. Repository objects
TADIR Catalog of R/3 Repository objects
TBDIR For Repository Switch: delivered TADIR entries
20. Purchase Requisition
EBAN Purchase Requisition
EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
EBUB Index for Stock Transport Requisitions for Material
Logical databases: BAM, BKM, BBM
21. SAPscript
TFO01 Entity table of font families in SAPscript
TFO02 SAPscript system fonts
TFO03 SAPscript printer fonts
TFO04 AFM fontmetrics for SAPscript font maintenance
TFO05 SAP bar codes
TFO06 Printer bar codes
TFO07 Table with default font family for language
TFO08 Assignment of font family, language -> replacement family
TFO09 Assignment of font family to language
TFO10 Font replacement for special device type
22. Spool
TSP03 Spool: Printer declaration
TSP03C Spool: Device Description Extension
TSP07 Spool: Paper used by the printer
TSP08 Spool: Paper formats
TSP09 Spool: Printer drivers
TSP0A Spool: Device types
23. Status (menu)
D340L CUA status header - run-time header
D341L Control table for CUA run-time object 1 (AB.MENU,PF)
D342L Table for long CUA objects
24. Switch objects
TODIR Switch object list
25. Tables and views
DD02ALL Table parameters for ALLBASE
DD02DB6 Table parameter DB2 version 2
DD02INF Table parameters for INFORMIX, Version 6
DD02L SAP tables
DD02MSS DD-DB Interface Table for SQL Server 95
DD02ORA Table parameters for ORACLE, version 6
DD02SYB Storage parameters for tables in SYBASE
DD02T R/3-DD: SAP Table Texts
DD03L Table Fields
DD03T DD: Texts for fields (language dependent)
DD04L Data elements
DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts
TTDIR Include Tables for Extensions
TVDIR View Directory
26. Texts
STXB SAPscript: Texts in non-SAPscript format
STXH STXD SAPscript text file header
STXL STXD SAPscript text file lines
TTXOB Valid text objects
TVART ABAP/4: Texts of variables in selection conditions
27. Transactions
TSTC Transaction codes
TSTCA Values for transaction code authorisations
TSTCP Parameters for transactions
TSTCT Transaction Code Texts
28. User parameters
TPARA Directory of Memory IDs
TPARAT Memory ID Short Texts
29. Variants
VARI ABAP/4: Variant storage (similar to INDX)
VARID Variant directory
VARINUM Internal number assignment for variants
VARIT Variant texts
TVARV Table of variables in selection criteria
TVARC Variant conditions
TVARUVN Individual Variant Variable: Assignment TVARV
TVARCT Text for Variants Conditions
TVARH Header entries for screen variants
TVARIND Save screen variants
30. Accounting
BSAD Accounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)
BSID Accounting: Secondary index for customers
BSIW Index table for customer bills of exchange used
BSIX Index table for customer bills of exchange used
BSAK Accounting: Secondary index for vendors (cleared items)
BSIK Accounting: Secondary index for vendors
BSIP Index for vendor validation of double documents
BSAS Accounting: Secondary index for G/L accounts (cleared items)
Logical databases: -
31. Accounting documents
BKPF Accounting document header
BSEG Accounting document segment
BSET Tax data document segment
BSEC One-time account data document segment
Logical databases: BRM
32. Bill Of Material
MAST Material to BOM Link
EQST Equipment to BOM Link
STAS BOMs header
STKO BOM header
STPN BOM follow-Up control
STPU BOM sub-item
STST Standard BOM link
STVB Bills of material - Serialisation of posting
STZU Permanent BOM data
33. Bill Of Material
KBED Capacity requirements record
Logical databases: POH
34. Classification
CABS Result of the Statistical Analysis of Table AUSP
CUFM Customising: Class/Config: Screendesigner Form
TCME Validity for Global Characteristics
KLAH Class Header Data
KLAT Classes: long texts
KSML Characteristics of a Class
AUSP Characteristic values
SWOR Classification System: Catchwords
KSSK Allocation Table: Object to Class
TCLG Class groups
TCLO Key Fields of Objects
TCLS Classes: Organisational areas
TCLST Classes: Org. Areas (Texts)
TCLU Class Status
COCC PP-PI attributes for characteristics
COFV Process management - process instr. charact. in ctrl. recipe
COME Process management - message characteristics
CORE Process mgmt.- display characteristics of the eval. version
PLFV PI Characteristics/Sub-Operation Parameter Values
Matchcodes: CLAS, MERK en KLSW
35. Classification
TCLA Class Types
TCLAT Class Type Texts
TCLT Classifiable Objects
LTCLTT Classifiable Objects: Texts
36. Classification characteristics
CABN Characteristic
CAWN Characteristic values
37. Configurator
CUCO Additional Data for Configurable Objects
CUCVRNT Variants of Constraints
CUEX Dependency Storage - Compilation
CUFM Customising: Class/Config: Screendesigner Form
CUKB Administrative Information for Dependency Maintenance
CUKBT Text Table for Dependency Maintenance Admin. Information
CUKN Dependency Storage - Variants/Configuration
CUOB Link between Object and Dependency
CUPE Extension to BOM Item for Variants
CURSADD Dependency Net Additional Data
CUVT Variant Table
CUXREF Object Dependency Cross References
38. Cost elements, centers, activities
CSKA Cost elements (data dependent on chart of accounts)
CSKB Cost elements (data dependent on controlling area)
CSKS Cost centre master
CSKT Cost centre texts
CSKU Cost element texts
CSLA Activity master
CSLT Activity type texts
CSSK Cost centre /cost element
CSSL Cost centre / activity
39. Customer
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master
KNAS Customer master (VAT registration numbers general section)
KNB1 Customer master (company code)
KNB4 Customer payment history
KNB5 Customer master (dunning data) (aanmaangegevens)
KNBK Customer master (bank details)
KNC1 Customer master (transaction figures)
KNC3 Customer master (special G/L transaction figures)
KNKA Customer master credit management: Central data
KNKK Customer master credit management: Control area data
KNMT Customer-Material Info Record Data Table
KNMTK Customer-Material Info Record Header Table
KNVA Customer Master Loading Points
KNVD Customer master record sales request form
KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator
KNVK Customer Master Contact Partner
KNVL Customer Master Licenses
KNVP Customer Master Partner Functions
KNVS Customer Master Shipping Data
KNVT Customer Master Record Texts for Sales
KNVV Customer Master Sales Data
Logical databases: DDF
40. Equipment
EQUI Equipment master data
EQKT Equipment short texts
EQUZ Equipment time segment
EAPL Allocation of Task Lists to Pieces of Equipment
Logical databases: EQI
41. Equipment status
EQUI Equipment master data
JSTO Status object information
JEST Object status
TJ30 User status
TJ30T Texts for user status
TJ02 System status
TJ02T Texts for system status
42. Function location
IFLOT Functional Location (Table)
IFLOTX Functional location: short texts
IRLOTX Reference functional location: short texts
TAPL Allocation of task lists to functional locations
43. Customising tables
T370R Reference functional location category
44. General ledger accounts
SKA1 G/L accounts master (chart of accounts)
SKAS G/L account master (chart of accounts: key word list)
SKAT G/L account master record (chart of accounts: description)
SKB1 G/L account master (company code)
SKM1 Sample G/L accounts
SKMT Sample account names
SKPF Header Data: Inventory Sampling
45. Goods movement
AUFM Goods movements for order
AFFW Goods movements with errors from confirmations
SER03 Doc.header f.serial numbers for goods movements
46. Customising
T440C Planning file entries for goods movements
47. Inventory document
IKPF Header: Physical Inventory Document
ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items
LINK Inventory document header in WM
LINP Inventory document item in WM
LINV Inventory data per quant
48. Maintenance Order
AFIH Maintenance Order Header
AFKO Order header data PP orders
AFPO Order item (not used much)
AFRU Order completion confirmations
AFVC Operation within an order
AFVV Order position data
CRCO Assignment of work centre to cost centre
OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List
CRHD Work Centre Header
PLAF Planned order
HIKO Order master data history
HIVG PM order history: operations
Logical databases: CNJ
49. Material
MARA Material Master: General Data
MARC Material Master: C Segment
MARD Material Master: Storage Location/Batch Segment
MAKT Material Descriptions
MAPL Allocation of task lists to materials
MARV Material Control Record
MARM Units of Measure
MBEW Material Valuation
MCHA Material batches
MOFF Outstanding Material Master Records
MSTA Material Master Status
MVER Material consumption
MVKE Material Master: Sales Data
MAPR Material Index for Forecast
PROP Forecast parameters
Logical databases: MSM
50. Material document
MKPF Header: Material Document
MSEG Document Segment: Material
BSIM Secondary Index, Documents for Material
51. Notifications
QMEL Quality notification
QMIH Quality message - maintenance data excerpt
52. Orders
AUFK Order master data
AFKO Order header data PP orders
AFPO Order item
JSTO Status object information
JEST Object status
Logical databases: ODK
53. Personel
PCL5 HR/RP Cluster 5; HR Planning Usage
PREL HR Master Data (Version 3.0: Old Version !)
PTXT Texts for HR Master Data
PA0000 HR Master Record: Infotype 0000 (Events)
PA0001 HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PA0002 HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
PA0003 HR Master Record: Infotype 0003 (Payroll Status)
PA0004 HR Master Record: Infotype 0004 (Challenge)
PA0005 HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement)
PA0006 HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
PA0007 HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Work Schedule)
PA0008 HR Master Record: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)
PA0009 HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
PA0010 HR Master Record: Infotype 0010 (Capital Formation)
PA0011 HR Master Record: Infotype 0011 (Ext.Bank Transfers)
PA0012 HR Master Record: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data Germany)
PA0013 Infotype Social Insurance - Germany
PA0014 HR Master Record: Infotype 0014 (Recurr. Bens/Deducs)
PA0015 HR Master Record: Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
PA0016 HR Master Record: Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)
Logical databases: PNP
54. Production resource tools
AFFH PRT assignment data for the work order
CRVD_A Link of PRT to Document
CRVD_B Link of Document to PRT
CRVE_A Assignment PRT data - equipment
CRVE_B Assignment equipment - PRT data
CRVM_A Link of PRT data to a material
CRVS_A Relationship of PRT internal number to PRT external number
CRVS_B Relationship of PRT external number to PRT internal number
55. Customising tables:
TCF02 PRT categories
TCF03 Texts for the production resources/tools category
TCF04 Status of the PRT master
TCF05 Language-dependent text table for PRT status
TCF06 Field groups in the PRT master for reference
TCF07 Language-dependent texts for field groups in PRT master
TCF08 Assignment of PRT master fields to field groups
TCF10 PRT control key
TCF11 Language-dependent text table for PRT control keys
TCF12 PRT group key
TCF13 Language-dependent text table for PRT group keys
56. Project
PROJ Project definition
PRPS WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data
PRTE Scheduling Data for Project Item
Logical databases: CNJ, PSJ, IMA
57. Purchase Requisition
EBAN Purchase Requisition
EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
EBUB Index for Stock Transport Requisitions for Material
Logical databases: BAM, BKM, BBM
58. Purchasing document
EKAN Vendor Address: Purchasing Document
EKBE History of Purchasing Document
EKBZ History of Purchasing Document - Delivery Costs
EKET Delivery Schedules
EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKO Purchasing Document Header
EKPO Purchasing Document Item
EKPB "Material Provided" Item in Purchasing Document
EKPV Shipping-Specific Data on Stock Tfr. for Purch. Doc. Item
59. Purchasing info record
EINA Purchasing Info Record - General Data
EINE Purchasing Info Record - Purchasing Organization Data
EIPA Order Price History, Info Record
EIKP Export/import header data
EIPO Export/Import Item Data
KONH Conditions (Header)
KONP Conditions (Item)
KONM Conditions (1 Dimensional Quantity Scales)
KONW Conditions (1 Dimensional Value Scales)
Logical databases: IFM, ILM
60. Reservation
RKPF Document Header: Reservation
RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
Logical databases: RKM, RNM, POH
61. Sales Document
VBAK Header Data
VBAP Item Data
VBAG Release Data by Schedule Line in Sch.Agrmt.
VBUK Header Status and Administrative Data
VBUP Item Status
VBRL SD Document: Invoice List
VBPA Partner
VBKD Business Data
VBKA Sales activities
VBEP Schedule Line Data
VBRK Billing: Header Data (invoice)
VBRP Billing: Item Data (invoice)
VBFA Sales Document Flow
VTTP Shipment item
LIKP Delivery Header Data
LIPS Delivery: Item data
Logical databases: AAV, AKV, ARV, VFV
62. Sales requirements
VBBE Sales Requirements: Individual Records
VBBS Sales Requirement Totals Record
63. Storage locations and stocks
LAGP Storage bins
LEIN Storage unit header records
LQUA Quants
LQUAB Total quant counts for certain strategies
MEIK Make-to-Order Stock for Customer Order
MSCA Sales Orders on Hand with Vendor
MSKA Sales Order Stock
MBPR Stock at Production Storage Bin
MLGN Material Data per Warehouse Number
MLGT Material Data per Storage Type
SLGH Elements of Stock Population
Logical databases: S1L, S2L
64. Tasklist
PLKO Task list - header
PLAS Task list - selection of operations/activities
PLPO Task list - operation/activity
PLKZ Task list: main header
PLWP Allocation of Maintenance Packages to Task List Operations
PLAB Relationships
PLFH Task list - production resources/tools
PLFL Task list - sequences
PLFT Process instructions
PLFV PI Characteristics/Sub-Operation Parameter Values
PLMZ Allocation of bill of material items to operations (component list)
PLPR Log collector for task lists
MAPL Allocation of task lists to materials
EAPL Allocation of task lists to pieces of equipment
TAPL Allocation of task lists to functional locations
65. Transfer requirement
LTBK Transfer requirement header
LTBP Transfer requirement item
Logical databases: R1L, RBL, RUL
66. User data
USR01 User master record (run-time data)
USR02 Logon data
USR03 User address data
USR04 User master authorisations
USR05 User Master Parameter ID
USR06 Additional data per user
USR07 Object/values of last failed authorisation check
USR08 Table for user menu entries
USR09 Entries for user menus (work areas)
USR10 User master authorisation profiles
USR11 User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10)
USR12 User master authorisation values
USR13 Short Texts for Authorisations
USR14 Surchargeable language versions per user
USR15 External User Name
USR20 Date of last user master reorganisation
USR30 Additional Information for User Menu
USR40 Table for illegal passwords
USR41 User master: Additional data
USRCOBJ Object Filters for Exploding Product Structures
USRM0 Material Master User Settings: User Screen Reference
USRM1 Material Master User Settings: Organisational Levels
USRM2 Material Master User Settings: Logical Screens
USRMM User settings: material master
67. Vendor master
LFA1 General section
LFAS VAT registration numbers general section
LFB1 Company code
LFB5 Dunning data
LFBK Bank details
LFC1 Transaction figures
LFC3 Special G/L transaction figures
LFM1 Record purchasing organization data
Logical databases: KDF
68. WM transfer
LTAK WM transfer order header
LTAP WM transfer order item
LUBU Posting change document
Logical databases: R0L, RTL
69. Other tables
NRIV Number ranges
70. Useful Transactions
AL11 Display SAP Directories
AL12 Display Table Buffer
SA38 ABAP/4 Reporting
SA39 SA38 for Parameter Transaction
SCDN Change Documents for Number Ranges
SE01 Transport and Correction System
SE03 Transport Utilities
SE06 Set Up Workbench Organiser
SE07 Transport System Status Display
SE09 Workbench Organiser
SE11 ABAP/4 Dictionary Maintenance
SE12 ABAP/4 Dictionary Display
SE16 Data Browser
SE17 General Table Display
SE61 R/3 Documentation
SE63 Translation
SE80 ABAP/4 Development Workbench
SE91 Maintain Messages
SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes
SF01 Logical file names
SM01 Lock transactions
SM02 System Messages
SM04 User Overview
SM12 Display and Delete Locks
SM13 Display Update Records
SM21 System Log
SM31 Table Maintenance
SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
SM36 Define Background Job
SM37 Background Job Overview
SM38 Queue Maintenance Transaction
SM39 Job Analysis
SM50 Work Process Overview
SMX Display Own Jobs
SNRO Number Range Objects
SO21 Maintain PC Work Directory
SPAD Spool Administration
SU02 Maintain Authorisation Profiles
SU53 Display Check Values
SHDB Record batch input
FILE Logical file names – client independent
SA01 Logical file names – client dependant
71. Function modules
Nametab-get Read table structure to a table
Ws_upload Transfer files from the frontend to the application server
Ws_download Transfer files from the application server to the frontend
Ws_excel Download files at the frontend in excel format
Rs_send_mail_for_spoollist Send message from ABAP/4 program to SAPoffice
Bp_event_raise Trigger an event from ABAP/4 program
So_wind_spool_list Browse printer spool numbers according to user informed
So_spool_read Fetch printer spool according to the spool number informed
G_set_get_all_values Fetch values from a set
Rzl_sleep Hang the current application from 1 to 5 seconds
Rzl_submit Submit a remote report
Ws_execute Execute an external program on the presentation server
Ws_file_delete Delete file at the frontend
Ws_filename_get Pop up file ws download file name
Ws_volume_get Get the label from a frontend device
Ws_msg Create a dialog box in which you display an one-line message Popup_to_display_text Create a dialog box in which you display a two-line message
Popup_to_confirm_step Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the
user wishes to perform the step
Popup_to_confirm_with_message Create a dialog box in which you inform the
user about a specific decision point during an action
Popup_to_confirm_with_value Create a dialog box in which you make a question
whether the user wishes to perform a processing step with a
particular object
Popup_to_decide Create a dialog box in which you require the user between the two
processing alternatives, or to cancel the action
Conversion_exit_alpha_input Add leading zeros to numeric field
Convert_year_with_threshold Year 2000
72. Standard data transfer
Financial accounting Account documents RFBIBL00
Assets RAALTD01 batch input
RAALTD11 direct input
G/L account master RFBISA00
Customer master RFBIDE00
Vendor master RFBIKR00
Bank data (Austrian) RFBVAT_0
Bank data (German) RFBVD__2
Bank data (Great Britain) RFBVGB_0
Bank data (Italian) RFBVIT_0
Bank data (Spanish) RFBVES_0
Bank data (Swiss) RFBVCH_0
Human resources Master data (Organisational units) RPUSTD00
Payroll account RPULKT00
Personnel planning data RHALTD00
Materials management Create characteristics RCCTBI01
Create classes RCCLBI01
Create classification RCCLBI02
Change classification RCCLRI03
Material master RMMMBIM0
Purchase information records RM06IBI0
Purchase requisitions RM06BBI0
Reservations RM07RRES
Stocks (IM) RM07MMBL
Vendor master RFBIKR00
Phraese CG31
Sources CG32
Substances CG33
Plant maintenance Measuring point RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Measuring document RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Notifications general RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Function location RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Object link RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Equipment RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Maintenance plan RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Scheduling maintenance plan RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Order confirmation RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Equipment task list RIIBIP00 / IBIP
General maintenance task list RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Functional location task list RIIBIP00 / IBIP
Production master data Create bill of material RCSBI010
Change bill of material RCSBI020
Create variant bill of material RCSBI030
Create bill of material long text RCSBI040
Routing / task list RCPTRA01
Production planning Demand management RMMM60BI batch input
RM60IN00 direct input
SAP-EIS Several records for SAP-EIS RKCFILE0
Sale and distribution Condition records (pricing) RV14BTCI
Customer master RFBIDE00
Open sales orders RVINVB00
Invoicing external transactions RVAFSS00
Warehouse management Storage bins RLPLAT00
Stocks on storage bins RLBEST00
73. Helpful reports
RSCLTCOP Copy tables across clients
RSAVGL00 Table adjustment across clients
RSINCL00 Extended program list
RSBDCSUB Release batch-input sessions automaticly
RSTXSCRP Transport SAPscript files across systems
RSORAREL Get the Oracle Release
RGUGBR00 Substitution/Validation utility
RSPARAM Display all instance parameters
RSUSR003 Check the passwords of users SAP* and DDIC in all clients
RSUSR006 List users last login
RSBCDSUB Submit batch session
RSTXSCRP Sapscript upload / download
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[M/V]Maintenance View Event (0) | 2016.09.06 |
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